acacia food school

Acacia Food School

Exploring & building confidence in the food space, at your pace

At Acacia Food School our students lead the way on their cooking journey. Individuals explore their creativity and confidence within the food space, at their pace. 

Together we create a food related goal (big or small), and work towards bringing it to life!

The aim is to build confidence and knowledge across a range of topics-

Where does our food come from?
Healthy choices
Hygiene & safety within the kitchen
Sensory exploration
Grocery shopping
How to read & follow a recipe
and much more

Our classes are suitable for NDIS and private participants. 

Tailored to each individual, we support you on your food journey.

We value and welcome people from all walks of life and are capable of supporting people with a range of special needs. Acacia Food School offers a safe and supportive space for our students.

If you would like more information, please enquire below or email

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